You can help support this website.
I started back in 2006 with the altruistic intentions of "no ads". Sadly, reality reared its ugly head and so I had to figure out a way to help offset some of the hosting costs, so decided to partner with Amazon.
All of the ads seen on any Novarata page are curated by myself, and clicking any of the Amazon ads and making an immediate purchase provides me a small ( > .01% ) "finders fee" from Amazon. Amazon pays this out of their end - the listed prices stay the same and all coupons and specials are not affected.
Some folks have expressed interest in helping me out by doing their shopping through Amazon, but navigating to to click an Amazon ad to do your Amazon shopping is a pain in the butt.
Introducing Philanthropist. This is a Chrome browser extension ( sorry, no such niceties for other browsers, yet ) that seamlessly allows you to support Amazon associates when you shop at Amazon. No more visiting a site to click through to or fiddle with copying & pasting codes and whatnot.
You can get the Philanthropist extension at the Chrome web store.
Click the blue "Add to Chrome" button at the top right.
You will be prompted to install the extension ( in case your cat was on the keyboard )
Upon successful installation, you'll see the "confirmation" popup box at the top right of your browser window. If you cannot install the extension ( usually "Network error" ), see the end of this post.
Visiting your Chrome extensions page ( Menu > Preferences > Extensions ) will show you your installed extensions. Find the Philanthropist extension and click its "options". You should see the screen above.
You want to put novarata-20 in the field and then click "Save associate"
Thank you! Your Chrome browser will now automajically send Novarata's Amazon code whenever it is used to shop at Amazon. ~.01% might not seem like much, but it adds up and is used to pay Novarata's server bills.
For those of you who can't install the extension, you can download it here.
To install it manually, you'll need to open your Chrome extensions window ( Menu > Preferences > Extensions ) and drag the Philanthropist_v1.0.7.crx from your file manager into this window. After installation, adding the Novarata Amazon code is the same as above.
At this time, there is no similar software for other browsers. If you're not running Chrome, you can click here to shop at Amazon. Anything you buy from them within 24 hours of your visiting from the link will help support this blog & other Novarata services.
Edited 31 August 2017 - You may now shop at the Novarata EStore. It is a frontend to Amazon and has a shopping cart that it will forward to your Amazon account when you are ready to check out.
Tags: Support-Novarata