What's new at Novarata? 22 SEP 2019
Programmers have appreciated humor since the early days. I present to you a daily Unix fortune
What's new at Novarata? 21 SEP 2019
I've got an IP leak checker for you guys who run torrents behind VPNs. Find it at https://ipmagnet.novarata.net/
What's new at Novarata? 20 SEP 2019
I've set up a font server for anyone who's interested. You can find it at https://fonts.novarata.net.
The Novarata Custom Start Page has been updated & promoted
I recently did a cleanup at Novarata, blowing out some of the old cruft and bringing some things into the modern age.
One of the updates was to the Custom Start Page. This page has had a collection of search URLs on it so - if you used it as a homepage or startpage - would help you with various searches.
Shotcut - an easy video editor / transcoder
Shotcut is an easy-to-use cross platform open source video editing tool. This means it runs on Windows, as well as *nix and OS X
What's Neill Blomkamp been up to?
Neill Blomkamp has sort of fallen out of the public light since he made Elysium. For you folks who may not be aware, Mr. Blomkamp is the creative force behind the movies District 9, Chappie and the aforementioned Elysium. Not only did he direct these films, he produced and co-wrote some of them and produced much of the conceptual artwork.
AEE - a simple console text editor
For those of you who may remotely log in to various computers on occasion and need to edit code, aee ( "Another Easy Editor" ) is the ticket.